Focused readymades


I am addressing the philosophical theory of Reconstructivism/Recontextualization, a postmodern movement that implies a conscious reconstruction of reality, emphasising on social reality and encouraging the revision of oppressive structures.

The site-specific installation represents a symbol of human conditioning. Emphasising the way life makes its way through, regardless the challenges and obstacles encountered. A positive juxta positioning of ideas and elements, depicting a powerful element/force that can breakthrough its boundaries and make way for what lies ahead.

Thus, empowering the public to interact, question and debate the structure itself, concomitantly, promoting the same philosophy behind my project- breaking down a system/medium into the smallest important elements. Subsequently, a new medium can be built without the limits/restrictions of the original.

I have chosen a very minimalist/simple medium such as cardboard, due to its fragile nature as well as its recycling possibilities. Not only to emphasize the possibilities of its usage but also its strength and resistance. When used in accordance, cardboard can prove to be extremely strong and durable if the structure is correctly pre-planned and subsequently, built. 

The tittle itself- The Ugly Little Boy, based on Asimov’s book, suggests the need of change and re-evaluation of social preconceptions, such prejudice, assumptions and human conditioning.

The Ugly Little Boy, ~2.5m tall installation
The Ugly Little Boy, detail element, ~70cm
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy
The Ugly Little Boy
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy, detail
The Ugly Little Boy, detail